Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Welcome to my labradoodle blog!

Hello! I am a proud labradoodle owner and I hope to create a blog that will introduce you to everything labradoodle. Not only is this blog meant for people who know nothing about labradoodles, but it will be informative to other labradoodle lovers out there. I will include everything from the history of labradoodles, to the popularity growth, to cute pictures of dogs.

So here's where your part comes in as followers! I want to discover the popularity of labrdoodles, so let me know; have you heard about labradoodles before? What do you want to know about the breed? I'm here to help you discover everything that is labradoodle.

1 comment:

  1. Such an interesting topic that you selected to blog about! Who can resist pictures of adorable little labradoodle puppies? I can’t! While I knew that this was a fairly new breed, I had no idea that it was actually “invented”; that science (DNA testing) was actually involved in creating a perfect breed for a service dog. I know quite a few people who have labradoodles as pets but don’t know of any of these dogs that are used for service purposes. I’d love to learn more about their use as service dogs. Are they still trained for use in this capacity or are they mainly breed as family pets? I’d love to see a picture of your labradoodle on your blog! You’re off to a great start with your blog; I’m looking forward to returning soon to read (and learn) more! Mrs. A.
